Air Purification at Commercial Facilities

For air purification and decontamination at commercial facilities, Tion offers a medical technology that has been adapted to the wide market to solve the tasks related to the design of general-purpose buildings.

Tion Solutions Advantages for Property Developers

• Universal and mass products. Featuring a modular construct and a set of options for economy and comfort class projects. The complete set is customized to meet the customer's needs.
• Smart and second to none. Employing wireless control technologies from a smart-phone and operating within the MagicAir smart home climate control system.

TION EQUIPMENT for buildings under design

Indoor Air Purification and Decontamination

Healthy air without disease-inducing microorganisms and with a low probability of air-communicable cross infections, including the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, is a new level of employee protection and care. To reduce the staff disease rates, the number of sick leaves and to optimize the staffing list, it is recommended to equip office rooms with autonomous air purification and decontamination devices.

Equipment: Tion A400 bactericidal air purifier

Air Exchange in Office Rooms with Natural Ventilation

For rooms and offices in public buildings it is recommended to ensure an air exchange rate of at least 40m3/h per 1 person in naturally ventilated rooms and at least 60m3/h in forcedly ventilated rooms. Because up-to-date leak-proof glass units provide an air inflow of 6–7m3/h max, and slot window vents provide 15m3/h max for the whole room, to comply with the air exchange regulations, it is recommended to equip each room with inflow devices providing forced, controlled and sufficient air inflow as per regulations. The main task of the regular and efficient air exchange process is to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), and to ensure that employees work efficiently without stuffiness, headaches, and rapid fatigability.

Equipment: Tion B120/B140 compact inflow ventilation with air purification (up to 120m3/h, HEPA air purification class, climate control)

Smoking Areas

Smoking rooms can be ventilated using a productive inflow exhaust system that ensures a high air exchange rate within the room. However, this method implies high energy costs for such ventilation system. Another option is to arrange recirculation within one room. For this purpose, a recirculation branch with a channel-mounted integrated air purification system is added to the inflow ventilation system. Part of the air is supplied by the inflow system, and part is drawn out of the room by the exhaust fan, goes through multistage purification from tobacco smoke in the channel purifier and then is supplied back to the room. This makes it possible to ensure a high air exchange rate within one room and to significantly reduce the ventilation energy costs for a smoking area.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifier (300–25,000m3/h) for inflow ventilation channels.

Reducing Energy Costs through Air Recirculation and Purification in Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems

To reduce the outdoor air volumes supplied by the ventilation system into office buildings, it is allowed to use a ventilation system with partial air recirculation (part of the outdoor air is drawn by the ventilation system, and part of the air is added from the room), provided that it is purified and decontaminated. This makes it possible to significantly save electric power consumed by a ventilation system to heat or cool down the inflow air.

When office buildings are equipped with air-conditioning systems, it is also expedient to have a ventilation system with air purification and decontamination. Installing an air purifier into the inflow ventilation channel makes it possible to comply with the hygienic norms of air purity within all rooms, to eliminate the risk of legionellosis and its spread (the problem occurs with irregular servicing of conditioning systems) as well as to reduce the ventilation maintenance costs by several times through increasing the intervals between scheduled cleaning of ventilation channels from dirt and impurities.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifier (300–25,000m3/h) for inflow ventilation channels.

Smoking/Steaming Areas

Smoking rooms can be ventilated using a productive inflow exhaust system that ensures a high air exchange rate within the room. However, this method implies high energy costs for such ventilation system. Another option is to arrange recirculation within one room. For this purpose, a recirculation branch with a channel-mounted integrated air purification system is added to the inflow ventilation system. Part of the air is supplied by the inflow system, and part is drawn out of the room by the exhaust fan, goes through multistage purification from tobacco smoke in the channel purifier and then is supplied back to the room. This makes it possible to ensure a high air exchange rate within one room and to significantly reduce the ventilation energy costs for a smoking area.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifier (300–25,000m3/h) for inflow ventilation channels.


An inflow exhaust ventilation system is required at airport toilers to clean the air from impurities by drawing the spent air into the ventilation channels and replacing it with fresh air.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifier (300–25,000m3/h) for inflow ventilation channels.

Food Courts

The kitchens of food courts and restaurants, including those located in shopping centers and hot meal preparation rooms of supermarkets, are equipped with an exhaust ventilation system to remove smoke, steam, and kitchen odors from the premises. Tion Ext channel device is mounted in the exhaust branch right after the grease collector.

Recirculating Air Purification in Guest Halls

Tion А100/А150 and А400 bactericidal air purifiers are added to the existing inflow ventilation system in guest halls to remove malodorous smells from the kitchen, purify air from hazardous impurities due to crowded areas.

Air Decontamination in Business Halls

An airport business hall should be not only a convenient place to wait for a flight but comfortable and safe for guests and passengers. To decontaminate air and reduce the risks of air-communicable diseases including Covid-19, it is recommended to equip those rooms with autonomous air decontamination and purification devices.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifier, Tion A400 bactericidal air purifier

Creating a Comfortable Microclimate for Efficient Work

Optimal air exchange is calculated as at least 40m3/h per 1 person in naturally ventilated rooms and at least 60m3/h in forcedly ventilated rooms. Up-to-date leak-proof glass units provide an air inflow of 6–7m3/h max, and slot window vents provide 15m3/h max for the whole room to comply with the air exchange regulations, it is recommended to equip each room with inflow devices providing forced, controlled and sufficient air inflow as per regulations.

Equipment: Tion B120/B140 compact inflow ventilation with air purification (up to 120m3/h)

Ensuring Air Quality and Safety

To reduce the staff sickness rates at workplaces during the peak periods of air-communicable infections, it is recommended to equip bank premises with autonomous air decontamination and purification devices.

Equipment: Tion A100/150, Tion A400, Tion Eco bactericidal air purifier

Real-time Air Quality Monitoring

Continuous measurement of microclimate parameters: carbon dioxide concentration, air temperature, humidity, concentration of fine particles PM2.5, PM10.

Measuring range of monitoring sensors:
• CO2 concentration 0–5,000ppm
• Humidity 0–95%
• Temperature -10 – +85°C.

Equipment: MagicAir.Pro air monitoring system and MagicAir base station.

Microclimate Control

Based on the data received from sensors, the system controls the inflow ventilation instruments by automatically airing and maintaining a comfortable level of CO2 in rooms.


Natural Ventilation of Gyms: Air Exchange

Gyms without grandstands and fitness clubs with a volume of at least 80m3/h per every person engaged in training at a given moment can be designed with a natural inflow exhaust ventilation system that provides single air exchange rate per hour. According to regulations, this air exchange rate can be achieved by airing a room with vent lights and vent panes. It is evident that such complete hourly airing of a room through windows being accompanied with drafts, especially in colder months, does not contribute much to health promotion. Considering that modern glass units let is 5–10m3/h of air per hour maximum through 1 window, it is impossible to reach the required limit of 80m3/h per 1 person engaged in training.
Solution. When there is no possibility or means to equip a room with a central ventilation system, this problem can be solved by installing compact inflow devices that provide extra air inflow when the windows are closed.

Equipment: Tion B120/B140 compact inflow ventilation with air purification (up to 120m3/h, HEPA air purification class, climate control).

Ventilating a Gym: Increasing the Air Exchange Rate

In addition to installation of extra inflow devices for small gyms, it is possible to increase the air exchange rate to the required level by installing autonomous bactericidal air purifiers operating in 100% air recirculation mode. The exchange rate is regulated by the number and capacity of decontaminant air purifiers as well as depending on the volume of the serviced room. Installation of decontaminant air purifiers will also help to remove the distinct smell of gyms and reduce the bacterial content in the air.

Equipment: Tion A400 bactericidal air purifier.

Reducing Energy Costs through Recirculation in the Ventilation System

Gyms (including those with grandstands) equipped with a central inflow exhaust ventilation system are known for high ventilation energy costs to maintain the required air exchange rate and temperature–humidity parameters. To reduce the energy costs, it is possible to use recirculation with air purification at such facilities: part of the air is supplied from the outside and part is drawn from the room; it passes through the air decontamination and filtering device and is supplied back to the room. This makes it possible to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regulations and reduce the ventilation maintenance costs for sports facilities.

Equipment: Tion Eco channel decontaminant air purifiers